Loreto Abbey Sports Hall, Dalkey
Client : Loreto Abbey Secondary School
Location : Dalkey, Co. Dublin
Size : 960 sq m
The positioning proposed within the curtilage of the existing school campus will have a number of positive effects on the design: the large bulk of the sports hall element has been placed behind the existing building line of the school thus mitigating against its impact on the sensitive site; the dynamic sports studio, gym, changing room and reception element has been designed to act as a ‘prism’ focusing the user’s view to the spectacular sea views while the use of extensive glazing and folded roof give it a sense of lightness and a ‘pavilion’ like quality. The dynamic shape of the ‘pavilion’ element is a direct response to the context and the brief. The shape of this element is directly influenced by the complex geometry and forms on of the site and the need to unify these elements together. This architectural response combined with the short north-eastern elevation and varied roof height transmutates the scale of the single volume sports hall space into a defined humanistic scale.