Regency Hotel
Client : McGettigan
Location : Swords Road
Size : 8024 sq m
Regency Hotel
The scheme comprises of 67 large residential units. The L-shaped configuration maximises daylight to the units and reduces the visual impact of the development on the existing residential development to the south. The block which addresses the Swords road forms a clearly defined built edge to the development whilst reducing significantly the visual impact of the existing Regency Hotel. By stepping the block down towards the gable ends of the existing houses in Seven Oaks, issues of overshadowing are minimised. It has also allowed for the creation of south and west facing roof terraces. The site layout creates a south-facing courtyard. This configuration will allow the scheme to maximise passive solar gain and to reduce its carbon footprint. The northern block rises from six storeys fronting the Swords Road to eight stories at its eastern end, which corresponds to the scale of the adjacent Regency Hotel. The material palette consists of high quality materials with stone and glass being the predominant finishes.