Lands at Ninemilestone
Location : Ashbourne
Lands at Ninemilestone, Ashbourne
A Masterplan was formatted for development of the land parcels based on their strategic location at each side of the Ninemilestone Roundabout in Ashbourne, close to Dublin, the Airport and the N2 motorway, to address policies as contained within the National Developmetn Plan and the Strategic Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area. Area for amenity spaces was located along the Broadmeadow River that crossed the three land parcels and various uses were proposed for the lands, with a Science & Technology Park, Light Industrial, Leisure & Hotel, Office Park, Retail Park and a small quantum of Residential lands at the site buffer zone with the neighbouring countryside. The masterplan ensured that the uses proposed complemented each other and their location, and ensured sustainable development at this key location.